“Full Circle” In the late 1960's, Harold Ruth noticed a building across the street from the old location of the Montana Fish and Game on Lake Elmo Drive. He purchased the old barn and moved it closer to Main Street in Billings. The name of the gallery was The Brown Barn. A few years later, Harold Ruth purchased some land up Alkali Creek where he built his home. Along with his residence, he built another structure just as one came up Alkali Creek on his property. Harold told me he planned the building as a spec home in case his gallery did not make it then he could in turn sell it. The building or house had a barn wood finish in the interior. Down in the basement was a wooded sidewalk with loose gravel around it. In the basement was an old vault he had found. I asked him why the door to it was always ajar. He told me then people would not know if there were works which just came in or were going out. The gallery was called Gallery 85. Harold Ruth was known by some as “ruthless Ruth” but one thing about him was he was very direct. He would give a person direct answers and his art knowledge was beyond reproach. The showings at the gallery were just phenomenal. In the early 1980's, Harold Ruth sold the gallery and I just did not have the funding to purchase it. Later when we opened our gallery in Laurel, Montana in 1989 I reached out to my mentor, Harold Ruth. He told me if I had good artwork the collectors would come. Harold introduced me to the artists such as J. K. Ralston, Hans Kleiber, Bill Gollings, Richard Bishop, and again to working decoys. The Meadowlark Gallery evolved and in 2003 we moved to an even more wonderful location in Billings, Montana. Now we are moving again to a new location but with a wonderful background theme of the brown gallery art barn. Our new location will be by appointment only but we are only a phone call away. Whatever your level of collecting, one is greeted with a large selection of western and sporting fine art paintings, etchings, and bronze works. Remember the coffee pot is always on. Gary L. Temple and Marylee M. Moreland "So what is new at The Meadowlark Gallery?" Sure the market is again growing but good artwork does and will continue to be sold. Be wary of the works offered with no background or authentication. Yes, auctions can be fun as we all want to be the high bidder but be aware of the condition reports and the work needed to be done afterwards. Virtually a good majority of the artwork at auction has been restored or needs restoration. Look around at the artwork we have here at The Meadowlark Gallery: We have probably one of the largest inventory in etchings by some major artists such as Hans Kleiber, Elling William Gollings, Richard Bishop and just a few others. Vetting The definition of vetting artwork often mentions such terms as authenticity, provenance and condition. They can polish, embellish and enhance vetting in many ways. They should base the primary concern entirely on the work having been done by the hand of the artist. No matter the museum, the gallery, the owner or whatever, only the artwork itself should be the deciding role. Understanding the medium used by any artist is very important. We are developing continuing research guidance on the etchings done by E. W. Gollings. Please consider and download A Handbook on the Etchings of Gollings. The bronze market is very slow but there are still available works for your review. What can we say, take a look at some really good works. Some really old friends such as Ron Jenkins, J. K. Ralston, and Robert W. Meyers. And I would be amiss to not mention my favorite lady and her work, Marylee M. Moreland. Review what you have in your collection and make sure in your files is an accredited art appraisal for the Current Replacement Value. I can work from digital images, visit your location or the works can be brought here to our gallery. “I would like to find about a piece of artwork I own.” First, one needs to decide on the purpose of the valuation. An art dealer cannot appraise as well as purchase a painting for it is a conflict of interest. The request has to be made so both parties are clear on the purpose of the valuation. Keep coming back to look at our works and we appreciate our clients over the years.